Natura & Cultura

Family holidays 2022 by the sea

Family Holidays in Sicily

To organize a family trip, you often think you have to spend a lot of time: you have to decide how to move, where to stay, what to do during the holiday, what to take with you and what to leave at home, etc. , etc.

The truth is that you can just turn to the specialized accommodation for families, looking for relaxation, fun for children and being thoughtless for a few days.

I have been working at BfB Residence San Marco since 2016 and, after having met different families, from different countries, with young children or teenagers, I know for sure that what everyone is looking for is the desire to feel good, make your family feel good and enjoy the Sicilian climate during their family holidays by the sea, without thinking about daily habits.

When people call to request a quote for the holiday, they are not only looking for a nice holiday home in Sicily, they are looking for a place where they can regenerate 100%.

Our residence offers 12 villas made to accommodate families: 6 two-family holiday homes, with private veranda, surrounded by the greenery of our lawn and soaked in the scent of our typical Mediterranean plants.

The equipped kitchen and the large spaces, also guaranteed by the presence of 3 bathrooms, give the opportunity to live comfortably and independently your holidays in Sciacca.

Knowing in advance how to get around before, during and after your holiday is essential to ensure that the programme is successful.


To get to BfB Residence San Marco, we recommend getting around by car. If you are traveling by plane, the nearest airports to Sciacca are Trapani airport "Birgi"  and  Palermo airport "Falcone e Borsellino".

Quando le persone chiamano per richiedere un preventivo per la vacanza, non cercano solo una bella casa vacanza in Sicilia, ma cercano soprattutto un luogo nel quale potersi rigenerare al 100%.

Il nostro residence offre 12 ville realizzate per accogliere famiglie: 6 case vacanza bifamiliari, con veranda privata, immerse nel verde del nostro prato e intrise del profumo delle piante tipiche del mediterraneo.

La cucina attrezzata e gli ampi spazi, garantiti anche dalla presenza di ben 3 bagni, donano la possibilità di vivere comodamente e in maniera indipendente la vacanza a Sciacca.

Sapere in anticipo come potersi muovere al meglio prima, durante e dopo la vacanza è essenziale, per far sì che il programma riesca al meglio.

Per arrivare al BfB Residence San Marco, consigliamo di muoversi in auto. Se si viaggia in aereo, gli aeroporti più vicini a Sciacca sono l'aeroporto "Birgi" di Trapani e l'aeroporto "Falcone e Borsellino" di Palermo.


To create a perfect program for the whole family or just for a couple in a new place to discover, you need to know the peculiarities of the chosen destination, the places to see, the what to eat and the activities that can be carried out, starting from the museums, passing through the archaeological parks, the days at the sea etc.

Thanks to the many opportunities our territory offers, even before arriving at BfB Residence San Marco, we will be able to advise you everything that will make your holiday in Sciacca unique:

- what to visit;

- what to eat and where to eat;

- where to go with your family, as a couple or with friends.

With the Diffused Museum of the 5 Senses we have created more than 50 sensory experiences to live in Sciacca, making you feel an integral part of our city. In what way?

By choosing one of our experiences, you will be able to see, hear, listen and enjoy first-hand all that we live in our daily lives.

Find out more

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